Ps. Palaem. reg.

Ps. Palaem. reg. 3, 19 (p. 56, 10-19 + p. 58, 1-2) - 4, 3 (p. 62, 19-20 + p. 64, 1-4)

Nam regula est activorum et neutralium verborum, in quacumque coniugatione, addas re syllabam ad imperativum modum, ut puta a prima coniugatione exit imperativus in a, ut clama, voca, 5lania, adice re et facit infinitivum clamare, laniare, vocare; a secunda coniugatione exit imperativus productus in e, huic adicis re et facit infinitivum, ut mone monere, doce docere, praebe praebere; a tertia coniugatione correpta exit imperativus in e correptum, huic adice re et facit infinitivum, 10ut scribe scribere, lege legere, tolle tollere; a tertia coniugatione producta imperativus exit in i, huic adice re et facit infinitivum, servi servire, audi audire, hauri haurire. Sed quaestio est de dic, duc et fac, numquid adiecta re integre sonaverit infinitivus: sed in hoc uso plurimum valuit. 3, 5Nam Vergilius dixit dice et Terentius face, quibus si adicias re faciunt integre sonare infinitivum modum dicere, facere, ducere. Diximus de prima coniugatione passivorum et communium deponentiumque verborum, quae ante novissimam syllabam quaeruntur. Nunc dicendum et de secunda coniugatione ipsorum verborum, quae similiter illic quaeruntur ubi et 3, 5prima. In passivis, ut moneor moneris: ante ris e invenimus, quae est secunda coniugatio, quae in promissivo tempore exit in bor, ut monebor moneberis monebitur monebimur monebimini monebuntur; in communibus, vereor vereris: ante ris e invenies, quae mittit futurum tempus in bor, ut verebor vereberis verebitur verebimur verebimini verebuntur 3, 5(commune est enim ut dicimus vereor te et vereor a te); in deponentibus, ut medeor mederis: ante ris e invenies, quae mittit futurum tempus in bor, ut medebor medeberis medebitur medebimur medebimini medebuntur. Remanet tertia coniugatio, cuius locum implevit e 10littera correpta, ut in passivis legor legeris legitur: ante ris e est, sed quia correptum est locum tenet pro i, at per hoc, quoniam e correptum est, quod cedet pro i, quoniam in activis promissivum modum in am mittit, non in bo, sic in passivis in ar mittit, non in bor; sic in communibus ac deponentibus, 15ut puta sequor sequeris: ante ris e correptum est pro i correpto, mittit promissivum in ar, ut sequar dicas, non sequebor. Remanet tertia coniugatio producta, ut puta in passivis, ut nutrior nutriris: ante ris i productum habet, ergo, 20quia tertia est, exit in ar, ut dicamus de futuro nutriar, et, quia producta, exit etiam in bor, ut dicamus et nutribor. Ergo sic observabis in communibus et deponentibus. Infinitivus vero modus ipsorum verborum, a prima coniugatione et secunda et tertia producta, in ri exit, ut puta a prima ut clamari, a secunda moneri, a tertia producta nutriri; a tertia 3, 5vero correpta numquam exit in ri, sed in i, ut puta legi dicimus infinitivo et scribi, non legeri et scriberi. Sic et ungi, non ungeri, quia ungo dicimus, non ungeo. Nam quomodo de ungeri et ungi habita quaestio est, quid, dicemusne 3, 5sic de tergeri et de tergi? Sed infinitivo tergeri dicimus, non tergi, quia indicativo tergeo facit, non tergo. Sic in ceteris observabis, ut, ubi inveneris secundam coniugationem ri habere infinitivo modo, eo dicas indicativo activae significationis, ut caveo, infinitivo etiam passivae significationis caveri, 10doceo doceri, terreo terreri, coerceo coerceri; licet pauca primae coniugationis in eo exeant indicativo activae significationis, ut puta meo meas, veo veas, laqueo laqueas, nauseo nauseas, enucleo enucleas, creo creas, excreo excreas, eodem modo eo et queo, quae duo tamen tertiae coniugationis cesserunt ad i 15productam. Sunt autem pauca verba quae magis per anomaliam dicuntur, ut fero fers, volo vis, sum es, edo es. Quantum ratio postulavit de coniugationum ordine tractavimus. Nunc de participiis pauca dicenda sunt. Sane omnia participia in praesenti tempore aut in ans exeunt, et veniunt a prima coniugatione, ut amans, clamans, aut in ens, et veniunt a secunda vel tertia correpta vel producta, ut monens, legens, serviens: nam monens 4, 5a secunda coniugatione est, legens a tertia correpta, serviens a tertia producta.

Critical apparatus

coniugatione pi s: coniugatio re m‘clamare’, ‘laniare’, ‘vocare’] om. nyhuic] et nyadiicis m: adiice n r w x; adduce b s vinfinitivum m v: infinitum ny s; infinitm w; imperativum xut mone m ny: mone s ksi‘praebe praebere’] om. ny; Sic et in tertia producta ut hauri haurire nya tertia m s ksi: in tertia nyadiice m n r x: addiice w; adduce b s vinfinitivum m v: infinitum ny s w; in futurum x‘lege legere’, ‘tolle tollere’] om. nya tertia ~ haurire m s ksi: om. ny; addiice w x; adduce s v; imperativum servi infinitivo m; om. met] om. b r xadiecta m x: addita ny s v win hoc usu usus postea al. m. m: hoc usu pi sdixit m: dicit ny s v w; om. xfaciunt pi s: facias fort. recte sec. voluntatem interpolatoris minfinitivum m s v: infinitum ny w; in futurum xet] om. m sdeponentiumque pi s: et deponentium met de m: de b n s ksi; est de rqueruntur m s v w: quaeritur ny; querunt xut] om. nye m ny: e et ksi; e sed smonebimur monebimini monebuntur] om. nyin communis ~ medebuntur m ksi: Sic in caeteris ny; promissivum s ksi; igitur m; om. s ksi; te s ksipro i m: per i pi sat m: sic ny s v w; om. xpro i m: et per i ny s v w; om. xpassivis] et in caeteris nysic in communibus ~ sequebor m s ksi: ut legar non legebor dicas nyante ‘ris’] om. mde futuro] om. ny‘nutriar’] ut s ksietiam m v w: et x; om. ny sErgo sic observabis in communibus et deponentibus] om. nymodus] om. pi set] om. pia prima pi s: prima mut] om. ny xlegi ~ scribi m s ksi: legi scribi ny; in ksiSic et m: sic pi s‘ungi’] et n w xungeo ny: ungio m s ksiNam ~ infinitivo m s ksi: Sed dicemus detergeri et non detergi quia infinitivo dicimus pro dicemus, et om. BR; infinito pro infinitivo N ny; de m; est questio x; questione s; om. mnon ‘tergo’] om. nysic pi s: sic et mut ubi ~ productam m s ksi: om. ny; caveri doceri s ksi; terreor terreri s v w; tereo tereri x; coerceor coerceri s ksi; torceo torceri m; exeunt ksi; in indicativo v w; vd. Rosellini 2001, comm. ad loc. ; coniugationi s v w; productum s ksivis pi s: ris mratio m s: autem ny; tamen ksimonens m: metuens pi snam monens ~ producta m s ksi: om. ny; mones x; movens m; moerens s

Linguistic layer

de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: mood: imperative
clamode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: nominal: ā
morphology: mood: imperative
vocode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: nominal: ā
morphology: mood: imperative
lanio, 1de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: mood: imperative
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
clamode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
lanio, 1de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
vocode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
vocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: mood: imperative
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
moneode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: mood: imperative
moneode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
doceode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: mood: imperative
doceode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
praebeode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: mood: imperative
praebeode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
vocalis: brevis/correpta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĭ
morphology: mood: imperative
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
scribode verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: mood: imperative
scribode verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
lego, 2de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: mood: imperative
lego, 2de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
tollode verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: mood: imperative
tollode verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
vocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: imperative
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
serviode verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: imperative
serviode verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
audiode verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: imperative
audiode verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
hauriode verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: imperative
hauriode verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
dico, 2de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: mood: imperative
duco, 1de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: mood: imperative
faciode verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: mood: imperative
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
dico, 2de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
faciode verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
duco, 1de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
dico, 2de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: mood: imperative
faciode verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: mood: imperative
moneode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: voice: passive
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: voice: passive
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: voice: passive
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: significationes: passiva
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: passive
moneode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: significationes: passiva
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: passive
vereorde verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: significationes: communis
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: significationes: communis
language: Latin
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: significationes: communis
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: significationes: communis
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: tense: future
vereorde verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: significationes: communis
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: tense: future
tude verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: significationes: communis
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
tude verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: significationes: communis
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
medeorde verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: significationes: deponens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: voice: deponent
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: significationes: deponens
language: Latin
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: voice: deponent
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: significationes: deponens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: voice: deponent
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: significationes: deponens
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: deponent
medeorde verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: significationes: deponens
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: deponent
vocalis: brevis/correpta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
lego, 2de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: voice: passive
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: voice: passive
vocalis: brevis/correpta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: voice: passive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
transitio/mutatio litterarum
language: Latin
phonetics: vocalism: vowel reduction
vocalis: brevis/correpta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
transitio/mutatio litterarum
language: Latin
phonetics: vocalism: vowel reduction
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: significationes: activa/recta
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: active
de verbo: significationes: activa/recta
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: active
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: significationes: passiva
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: passive
de verbo: significationes: passiva
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: passive
sequorde verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: significationes: deponens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: voice: deponent
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: significationes: deponens
language: Latin
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: voice: deponent
vocalis: brevis/correpta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: significationes: deponens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: voice: deponent
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
transitio/mutatio litterarum
vocalis: brevis/correpta
language: Latin
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
phonetics: vocalism: vowel reduction
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: significationes: deponens
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: deponent
sequorde verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: significationes: deponens
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: deponent
nutriovocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: voice: passive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: voice: passive
vocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: voice: passive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: significationes: passiva
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: passive
nutriode verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: significationes: passiva
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: passive
vocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: significationes: passiva
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: passive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
nutriovocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: significationes: passiva
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: passive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
vocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
clamode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
moneode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
nutriovocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
vocalis: brevis/correpta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
lego, 2vocalis: brevis/correpta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
scribovocalis: brevis/correpta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
ungovocalis: brevis/correpta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
ungovocalis: brevis/correpta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
ungovocalis: brevis/correpta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
tergeode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
tergeode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
tergeode verbo: coniugationes: II
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: significationes: activa/recta
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: voice: active
caveode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: significationes: activa/recta
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: voice: active
caveode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
doceode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: significationes: activa/recta
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: voice: active
doceode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
terreode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: significationes: activa/recta
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: voice: active
terreode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
coerceode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: significationes: activa/recta
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: voice: active
coerceode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: significationes: activa/recta
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: voice: active
meode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: significationes: activa/recta
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: voice: active
beo, 1de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: significationes: activa/recta
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: voice: active
laqueo, 1de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: significationes: activa/recta
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: voice: active
nauseode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: significationes: activa/recta
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: voice: active
enucleode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: significationes: activa/recta
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: voice: active
creode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: significationes: activa/recta
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: voice: active
exscreode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: significationes: activa/recta
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: voice: active
eovocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: significationes: activa/recta
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: voice: active
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
queovocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: voice: active
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
vocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
de participio: tempora: praesens + praeteritum imperfectum
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: participialia
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: tense: present
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: participle
amode participio: tempora: praesens + praeteritum imperfectum
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: participialia
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: tense: present
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: participle
clamode participio: tempora: praesens + praeteritum imperfectum
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: participialia
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: tense: present
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: participle
vocalis: brevis/correpta
vocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: participialia
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĭ
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: tense: present
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: participle
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
moneode participio: tempora: praesens + praeteritum imperfectum
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: participialia
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: tense: present
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: participle
lego, 2vocalis: brevis/correpta
de participio: tempora: praesens + praeteritum imperfectum
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: participialia
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: tense: present
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: participle
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
serviovocalis: longa/producta
de participio: tempora: praesens + praeteritum imperfectum
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: participialia
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: tense: present
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: participle
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
moneode participio: tempora: praesens + praeteritum imperfectum
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: participialia
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: tense: present
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: participle
lego, 2vocalis: brevis/correpta
de participio: tempora: praesens + praeteritum imperfectum
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: participialia
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: tense: present
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: participle
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
serviovocalis: longa/producta
de participio: tempora: praesens + praeteritum imperfectum
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: participialia
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: tense: present
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: participle
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length

Quotation layer

Verg. ???Ter. ???