
Arvs. 43, 18 - 44, 9-10

GEMIT EXTREMA. Virg. Aen. XI Atque extrema gementem. GRAVIS ILLO, idest ex illo gravida. Virg. Aen. I Regina sacerdos 20Marte gravis. GRAVIS HAC RE. Virg. Aen. IX Hic annis gravis atque animi maturus Aletes. GENUS ITALUS pro genere. Virg. Aen. V Cressa genus. Idem Aen. VIII Qui genus? GEMINUM ILLIS REBUS pro simillimum. Cic. in Pisonem Illud vero geminum consiliis Catilinae et Lentuli, quod me domo mea expulistis. HABITO ILLAM REM. Virg. buc. At humiles habitare casas. 44, 5HABITO ILLA RE. Idem Aen. III Habitabant vallibus imis. HABITO IBI. Idem Aen. VII Hic fortes habitare Latinos. HABITANTUR ILLIS ILLA LOCA. Aen. III Cuncta malis habitantur moenia Graiis. HABITANT IN HOC LOCO. Ter. And. In hac habitasse platea dictum 10est Chrysidem.

Quotation layer

Verg. Aen. 11, 865

Verg. Aen. 1, 273-74

Verg. Aen. 9, 246

Verg. Aen. 5, 285Verg. Aen. 8, 114

Cic. Pis. 16

Verg. ecl. 2, 29 At] Atque

Verg. Aen. 3, 110

Verg. Aen. 7, 151

Verg. Aen. 3, 398

Ter. Andr. 796

Linguistic layer

gemode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative: object
gemode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative: object
gravisde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: ablative: governed by adjectives
gravisde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: ablative: governed by adjectives
gravisde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: ablative: governed by adjectives
gravisde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: ablative: governed by adjectives
geminusde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: ablative
geminusde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: ablative
habitode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative
habitode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative
habitode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: ablative: of place where, of time when
habitode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: ablative: of place where, of time when
habitode adverbio: significatio: localia: in loco
language: Latin
syntax: part of speech: adverb
habitode adverbio: significatio: localia: in loco
language: Latin
syntax: part of speech: adverb
habitode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo
de constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: nominativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: dative: of agent
syntax: case syntax: nominative
habitode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo
de constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: nominativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: dative: of agent
syntax: case syntax: nominative
habitode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: ablative: of place where, of time when
habitode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: ablative: of place where, of time when

Critical apparatus

gravida] om. V1Aen. IX] Aen. VIII N1Cressa V1: Cresa N1At] Atque V1 Keil Verg. ecl. 2, 29HOC] ILLO KeilIn hac habitasse Parrhasius N2: Inhabitasse N1

Interpolation layer