
Arvs. 49, 4 - 49, 19-21

INSONUIT ILLAM REM. Idem Aen. VII Verberaque insonuit. 5INDIGNUS HAC RE. Sal. hist. I Et indigni re publica. INDIGNUS HUIUS REI. Virg. Aen. XII Magnorum haud unquam indignus avorum. INGENS HAC RE. Virg. Aen. XI O Fama ingens ingentior armis. INGENS ILLIUS REI. Sal. hist. III Ingens ipse virium atque animi. INTEGER ILLIUS REI. Virg. Aen. IX Atque integer aevi Ascanius. INTEGER ILLA RE. Sal. hist. II Copiis integra. IMPENDET TIBI ILLA[M]. Cic. in Catil. I Praetermitto ruinas fortunarum 15tuarum, quas omnes impendere proximis tibi Idibus sentient. IMPENDET TE ILLUD. Teren. eun. Ita nunc imparatum subito tanta impendent mala. | INTERDICITUR TIBI ILLA RE. Cic. Philip. Quae iubent ei qui de 20-21vi, itemque ei qui maiestatis damnatus sit, aqua et igni interdici.

Quotation layer

Verg. Aen. 7, 451

Sall. hist. frg. 1, 77

Verg. Aen. 12, 649

Verg. Aen. 11, 124

Sall. hist. frg. 3, 91

Verg. Aen. 9, 255-56

Sall. hist. frg. 2, 33

Cic. Catil. 1, 14 quas omnes impendere proximis tibi Idibus sentient] quas omnis impendere tibi proxumis Idibus senties

Ter. Eun. 180 tanta impendent mala] tanta te impendent mala

Cic. Phil. 1, 23

Linguistic layer

insonode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative: object
insonode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative: object
indignus, 1de constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: ablative: governed by adjectives
indignus, 1de constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: ablative: governed by adjectives
indignus, 1de constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: genetivo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: genetive
indignus, 1de constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: genetivo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: genetive
ingensde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: ablative: governed by adjectives
ingensde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: ablative: governed by adjectives
ingensde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: genetivo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: genetive
ingensde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: genetivo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: genetive
integerde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: genetivo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: genetive
integerde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: genetivo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: genetive
integerde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: ablative: of respect/of specification
integerde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: ablative: of respect/of specification
impendeode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo
de constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: nominativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: dative: governed by verbs
syntax: case syntax: nominative
impendeode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo
de constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: nominativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: dative: governed by verbs
syntax: case syntax: nominative
impendeode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
de constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: nominativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative: object
syntax: case syntax: nominative
impendeode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
de constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: nominativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative: object
syntax: case syntax: nominative

Interpolation layer

Critical apparatus

re publica] habiti add. Della Casa ex coniectura CarrionisAen. XII] Aen. II N1haud unquam edd. (praeter Della Casa) Verg. Aen. 12, 649: aut numquam N1; om. V1Aen. IX] Aen. VIII N1Atque] om. V1ILLA[M]] ILLA RES edd.proximis tibi] tibi proximis V1sentient Parrhasius N2: sentiet N1 Della Casa; senties Keil Cic. Catil. 1, 14eun.] Phorm. edd.imparatum edd. Ter. Phorm. 180: impuratum N1impendent edd. Ter. Phorm. 180: impendet N1