Arvs. 53, 1-2 - 54, 1-2
1INSTAT ILLIS LOCIS. Virg. Aen. XI ‘Sive instare iugis et grandia
2volvere saxa’.
3INSTAT ILLI REI pro ‘imminet’. Virg. Aen. X ‘Ille instat aquae’.
4INSTAT ILLAM REM pro ‘festinat’. Idem Aen. VIII ‘Parte alia
5Marti currumque rotasque volucres instabant’.
6INSTAT ILLA RE ILLAM REM. Idem Aen. XII ‘Trepidique pedem
7pede fervidus instat’.
8INDIGNATUS ILLAM REM. Virg. Aen. VIII ‘Et pontem indignatus
11omnipotens aliquem indignatus ab umbris m(ortalem)
12i(nfernis) a(d) l(umina) surgere vitae’.
13INGRESSUS LOCA. Cic. in Pisone ‘Romam vero ipsam o familiae
14non dicam Calphurniae et huius urbis, sed Placentini municipii
15et bracatae cognationis dedecus quemadmodum ingressus
17INGRESSUS LOCIS. Virg. Aen. X ‘Castris ingressus Etruscis’.
18IMPOSUIT ILLI REI. Virg. geor. III ‘Impositi dorso atque equitem
19docuere’. Idem Aen. II ‘Ergo age, care pater, cervici imponere
1IMPOSUIT IN ILLAM REM. Sal. hist. II ‘Omnia sacrata corpora in
2rates imposuisse’. Ter. And. ‘In ignem imposita est’.
Interpolation layer
Critical apparatus
Aen. XI] Aen. XII N1et grandia volvere saxa] om. V1ILLAM REM] ILLUM V1Parte Marti] om. V1ILLAM REM] ALIAM V1Et] om. N2ILLE edd.: om. V1; INDIGNATUS edd. (praeter Lindemann); ILLI N1; Aen. VIII N1et Parrhasius N2: om. V1; sed N1 qui postea lac. sign. Keil Della Casaes] om. V1IMPOSUIT] IMPOSUI N2REI] om. V1geor. III] geor. IV N1atque] om. V1REM] om. V1rates] ratem V1
Quotation layer
Verg. Aen. 11, 529
Verg. Aen. 10, 195-96
Verg. Aen. 8, 433-34
Verg. Aen. 12, 748 instat] urguet
Verg. Aen. 8, 728
Verg. Aen. 7, 770-71
Cic. Pis. 53
Verg. Aen. 10, 148
Verg. georg. 3, 116Verg. Aen. 2, 707
Sall. hist. frg. 2, 110Ter. Andr. 129
Linguistic layer
instode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: ablative: of place where, of time when
instode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: ablative: of place where, of time when
instode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: ablative: governed by verbs
instode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: ablative: governed by verbs
instode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative: object
instode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative: object
instode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
de constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative: object
syntax: case syntax: ablative: of means
instode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
de constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative: object
syntax: case syntax: ablative: of means
indignorde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative: object
indignorde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative: object
indignorde constructione: verborum constructiones: c. acc. et infinito
language: Latin
syntax: clauses and sentences: indirect
indignorde constructione: verborum constructiones: c. acc. et infinito
language: Latin
syntax: clauses and sentences: indirect
ingrediorde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative: of motion towards
ingrediorde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative: of motion towards
ingrediorde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: ablative
ingrediorde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: ablative
imponode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: dative: governed by verbs
imponode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: dative: governed by verbs
imponode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: dative: governed by verbs
imponode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative: of motion towards
imponode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative: of motion towards
imponode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative: of motion towards
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: ablative: of place where, of time when
instode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: ablative: of place where, of time when
instode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: ablative: governed by verbs
instode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: ablative: governed by verbs
instode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative: object
instode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative: object
instode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
de constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative: object
syntax: case syntax: ablative: of means
instode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
de constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative: object
syntax: case syntax: ablative: of means
indignorde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative: object
indignorde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative: object
indignorde constructione: verborum constructiones: c. acc. et infinito
language: Latin
syntax: clauses and sentences: indirect
indignorde constructione: verborum constructiones: c. acc. et infinito
language: Latin
syntax: clauses and sentences: indirect
ingrediorde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative: of motion towards
ingrediorde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative: of motion towards
ingrediorde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: ablative
ingrediorde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: ablative
imponode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: dative: governed by verbs
imponode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: dative: governed by verbs
imponode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: dative: governed by verbs
imponode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative: of motion towards
imponode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative: of motion towards
imponode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative: of motion towards