
Arvs. 76, 1-3 - 76, 18

PACISCOR AB ILLO ILLAM REM. Sal. Iug. Tantum ab eo vitam paciscatur. Idem hist. IV Sestertium tricies pepigit a G. Pisone. PACISCOR ILLAM REM pro illa re. Virg. Aen. V Vitamque volunt 5pro laude pacisci. PERITUS HUIUS. Sal. hist. I Militiae periti. PERITUS HOC FACERE. Virg. buc. Soli cantare periti Arcades. PROXIMUS ILLI. Virg. Aen. V Proximus huic longo sed proximus intervallo. 10PROXIMUS ILLO. Sal. Iug. Proxima Carthagine Numidia appellatur. Idem in eodem Proximi Hispania Mauri sunt. PROXIMUS ILLUM. Sal. hist. IV Qui proximi locos hostium errant. PROXIME ILLUM VENIT. Cic. pro Milone Proxime deos accessit. PRAESIDET HUIC REI. Virg. Aen. III Geticis qui praesidet arvis. Idem Aen. VII Quis Iuppiter Anxyrus arvis praesidet. PRAESIDET IN ILLA RE. Sal. Catil. In agro Piceno praesidebat.

Critical apparatus

ILLAM REM] HANC V1Idem hist. IV ‘Sestertium tricies pepigit a G. Pisone’] om. V1PACISCOR ILLAM REM pro ‘illa re’] om. V1Aen. V] Aen. VI N1Vitamque] Vitam V1HUIUS] REI add. Keil Della CasaPERITUS HOC FACERE. Virg. buc. ‘Soli cantare periti Arcades’] om. V1PROXIMUS ILLUM. Sal. hist. IV ‘Qui proximi locos hostium errant’] om. V1; erant KeilVENIT] om. V1HUIC REI] ILLI V1Aen. III] Aen. II N1Idem Aen. VII ‘Quis Iuppiter Anxyrus arvis praesidet’] om. V1; Anxyrius Keil Della CasaPRAESIDET IN ILLA RE] PRAESIDERE IN ILLO V1

Quotation layer

Sall. Iug. 26, 1Sall. hist. frg. 4, 81

Verg. Aen. 5, 230

Sall. hist. frg. 1, 146

Verg. ecl. 10, 32-33

Verg. Aen. 5, 320

Sall. Iug. 18, 11Sall. Iug. 19, 4

Sall. hist. frg. 4, 82

Cic. Mil. 59

Verg. Aen. 3, 35Verg. Aen. 7, 799-800

Sall. Catil. 57, 2

Interpolation layer

Linguistic layer

paciscorde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
de constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative: object
syntax: case syntax: ablative
paciscorde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
de constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative: object
syntax: case syntax: ablative
paciscorde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
de constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative: object
syntax: case syntax: ablative
paciscorde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative: object
paciscorde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
de constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative: object
syntax: case syntax: ablative
peritusde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: genetivo: possessionis in essentiae demonstratione
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: genetive: exepegetical
peritusde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: genetivo: possessionis in essentiae demonstratione
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: genetive: exepegetical
proximusde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: dative: governed by adjectives
proximusde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: dative: governed by adjectives
proximusde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: ablative
proximusde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: ablative
proximusde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: ablative
proximusde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative: of motion towards
proximusde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative: of motion towards
veniode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative: of motion towards
veniode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative: of motion towards
praesideode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: dative: governed by verbs
praesideode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: dative: governed by verbs
praesideode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: dative: governed by verbs
praesideode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: ablative: of place where, of time when
praesideode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: ablative: of place where, of time when