
Arvs. 86, 10-11 - 87, 7-8

10QUISQUE NOSTROS PATIAMUR. Virg. Aen. VI Quisque suos patiamur amores. RELEGAT ILLI LOCO. Virg. Aen. VII Et nymphae Egeriae nemorique relegat. RELEGAT IN ILLUM LOCUM. Sal. hist. I Relegat in paludes. 15RECORDOR DE ILLO. Cic. pro Scauro De te recordor. RECORDOR ILLUM. Virg. Aen. VIII Et vocem Anchisae magni vultumque recordor. RESONAT CARMEN LOCUS. Virg. buc. Formosam resonare doces Amaryllida silvas. RESONAT CARMINE LOCUS. Idem Aen. IV Resonat plangoribus aether. RESONAT ILLE CARMINE ILLUM LOCUM. Idem Aen. VII Inaccessos ubi solis filia lucos assiduo resonat cantu. 87, 5-6REFUGIT AB ILLA RE. Virg. Aen. III Refugitque ab litore templum. REFUGIT ILLAM REM. Idem Aen. VII Aversusque refugit foeda ministeria.

Interpolation layer

Critical apparatus

QUISQUE NOSTROS PATIAMUR. Virg. Aen. VI] PATIMUR Parrhasius N2; SUOS PATIAMUR pro add. Keil; om. V1; Aen. V N1patiamur amores] patimur amores vel manes Parrhasius N2; amores. Virg. Aen. VI V1RELEGAT ILLI LOCO. Virg. Aen. VII ‘Et nymphae Egeriae nemorique relegat’] om. V1 KeilRELEGAT] RELEGATUS KeilRelegat] Relegati KeilRECORDOR] ET V1Formosam G: om. V1; Formosum N1RESONAT CARMINE LOCUS. Idem Aen. IV ‘Resonat plangoribus aether’] Resonat plangoribus aether Verg. Aen. IV V1ILLE CARMINE ILLUM LOCUM] HUNC HAC RE V1Aen. VII] Aen. VIII N1ILLA RE] HOC V1REM] om. V1

Quotation layer

Verg. Aen. 6, 743 patiamur amores] patimur manis

Verg. Aen. 7, 775

Sall. hist. frg. 1, 55

Cic. Scaur. 49

Verg. Aen. 8, 156

Verg. ecl. 1, 5

Verg. Aen. 4, 668 plangoribus] magnis

Verg. Aen. 7, 11-12

Verg. Aen. 3, 436

Verg. Aen. 7, 618-19

Linguistic layer

relego, 1de constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: dative: governed by verbs
relego, 1de constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: dative: governed by verbs
relego, 1de constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative
relego, 1de constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative
recordorde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: ablative: governed by verbs
recordorde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: ablative: governed by verbs
recordorde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative: object
recordorde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative: object
resonode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative
resonode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative
resonode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
de constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: nominativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: ablative: of means
syntax: case syntax: nominative
resonode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
de constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: nominativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: ablative: of means
syntax: case syntax: nominative
refugiode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: ablative: of separation
refugiode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: ablative: of separation
refugiode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative: object
refugiode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: accusative: object